Emil Dale BA (Hons) Graduating Year

Abbie Quinn-Rai

Carla Devine

Cassidy Rothwell

Dan Hand

Darcie Howell

Demi Brooks

Ellie Gilbert-Grey

Emily Ewins

Erin China-Sawyer

Ethan Davis-Andrews

Euan Mellings

Eve Knagg

Fleur Musson

Florence Wills

Hannah Bushnell

Hannah Goodge

Hannah Gracie

Hannah Pickering

Harmony Scott

Isabelle Lines

Jesse Deyi

Jessica Kay

Jessica Nalton

Juliette McEwan

Kirsty Vale

Lauchlan Graham

Lee Beka Harper

Libby Mason

Lili Mai Davies

Lily Cardigan

Lottie Rose Burrows

Mehmet Ongun

Ned Doherty

Nel Meirion

Oliver Furze

Oliver Halford

Rebekah Morgan

Rhys Emlyn

Selen Berry

Simanié Hemmise

Sonny Barham

Sophie Martinelli

Stephanie May Garduque

Tabitha Jefferies

Tony Zhou

Will Savage

William Stock





Natural Accent:

Vocal Range:

Playing Age:

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